Road Map Out Of Covid
Today, the premier Dan Andrews announced the roadmap out of covid. There is a slow ease of restrictions that will eventually let Melbourne Dj Hire and a lot of the entertainment industry get back to work. 26th of October is the date where a 10 person wedding could go ahead. It isn’t much of a party with only 10 guests so Melbourne Dj Hire will have to wait until the end of November to start working.
If covid numbers go according to the premiers plan, the 23rd of November is the date when couples can hold a 50 person wedding. Though a 50 person wedding is smaller than the average wedding that our Melbourne DJs work at, people can still have a great time with their loved ones. Some couples have postponed their weddings three times and a lot of these couples are just desperate to go ahead with their wedding and get move on from this stressful situation.
The roadmap out of covid was a little disappointing to Melbourne Dj Hire and to the rest of the entertainment industry. The whole industry was shut down at the end of March and there isn’t a guarantee that events will go ahead according to the dates that the Victorian government has provided. A lot of brides are still worried about the dates and are reconsidering postponing their weddings til 2021 in case the premier enforced restrictions again. It has been an incredibly stressful time for the entertainment industry and even more stressful for our clients.
Melbourne Dj Hire really hope that everyone in Victoria does the right thing in the next few weeks so that we can go back to a semi normal way of life by the end of the year. The weather is slowly improving and Christmas is just around the corner. It would be a great reward for everyone to get to celebrate and take some steam off an already stressful and grim year.