Throwing a 1st birthday party
Throwing a 1st birthday party.
Everyone loves birthday parties, who doesn’t like presents, food and having with with their family and friends. Melbourne Dj hire are rarely booked for a first birthday party but our partnering photobooth company Beauty and the Booth are often booked to capture memories for guests and also entertain the kids and parents at the party.
A lot of Melbourne Dj hire’s clients do toss up between having a big extravagant party or to having something a bit more low key. A lot of mothers our melbourne DJs talk to say that a child only turns one once and they would love to throw a big fancy birthday for them. Usually the dads say that the child will not remember the party so why not wait til they are a little older and then spend money on the party then.
Melbourne Dj Hire can see both sides to this dilemma, our co owner is having the same issue with her daughters first birthday and here is what she is planning to do. Instead of booking a restaurant or venue she is holding the party at her house. The cost savings itself is massive, you don’t need to pay for venue hire, you don’t need to pay for catering, you don’t need to pay extra for drinks. Having the party at home means you can buy or make your own food which is a huge saving. If you are worried that you will be cooking and cleaning during the entire party then there are wait staff out there that independently work at house parties. You can hire them for 4-5 hours to help you put things in the oven, do some general tidy up of tissues, drinks and bits and pieces so all you need to worry about is catching up with guests. If you can you can even hire 2 of the wait staff 1 for food and one for drinks.