Petting Zoo – Djs Melbourne
You may be wondering what a Melbourne Dj and a petting zoo might have in common. Well over the last few years our Melbourne DJs have worked at quite a lot of events that have also had a petting zoo. The most popular events are the family days and festivals where a petting zoo is set up to entertain the kids. The children love patting and holding all the animals and parents also love taking photos of the experience.
At festivals, Melbourne DJs are mainly hired to provide music to add to the fun atmosphere, it is very rare that people actually get up and dance. Some times we are hired to work with the entertainers, to play there dance tracks and to also MC and encourage the crowd to get involved in the show. Sometimes a few kids and family might come near the stage and have a dance.
Another event where Melbourne Dj hire might work with a petting zoo is at a kids party. Our Melbourne DJs work at a lot of kids parties and occasionally the clients would also book a petting zoo to set up in the front or backyard to entertain the kids. It definitely keeps the kids busy and happy while they are petting little bunnies, chickens, sheep’s and cows.
Petting zoos are always attended by a staff member as well so it isn’t something the parents have to worry about. Most of. The petting zoos we have work with have at limit the number of children inside the animal pen so that it isn’t too chaotic for the animals and so the staff members can keep an eye on everything. This way parents can focus on other things while the kids are busy.
So if you are planning any event that will have a lot of children attending, a petting zoo is some think a little bit different and definitely worth looking into.